Monday, August 16, 2010

How to be friends with someone who USED to be popular but now is a loner?

so there is this girl called Georgia who is like really pretty and really popular until she had a bitchfight with her ';popular'; friends and she stopped hanging out with them. i dont really know much because i don't really have a lot of connections with the popular people. she goes to the form room and sits there by herself and i've always wanted to be friends with her! but what is the best approach to someone who USED to be popular and who used to think you were a freak?How to be friends with someone who USED to be popular but now is a loner?
start it by saying hi...How to be friends with someone who USED to be popular but now is a loner?
wel, know her ex friends think she is a freak, so wat have u got to loose in talking to a person hu has bitten the dust? jus go up to her and strike up a conversation. DONT talk about her lost fame just yet..she myt be resentful at first coz she is ashamed but give her time...she`l come around eventually unles she`s a total b*@%h!
you can offer her a food. try sitting beside her. make her feel you wanna be friend with her. i don't think that's hard to do. they're also human, we may think that they may get irritated,but,try!you may win her.^^,
Well just smile and walk up to her and say 'hi, can I sit with you?' And she will probably say 'ok' or something. That is how you start a friendship. Then introduce her to your friends and everything.
just sit with her one day and strike up a normal conversation...for example during lunch go up to her table and make an excuse to sit there or just give a compliment like ';hey i like ur blouse(';! and go from there...

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