Friday, August 20, 2010

How can i tell my friend someone dont like her?

my best friend of 12 years likes my friend and he don't like her in the same way she feel about him and she is always like talking about him when im with her... and where we are all together she just stares at him the whole time and talks about how she don't have a boyfriend and he just tries to change the subject ..and she stole his phone number out my phone and calls him all the time from private how can i tell her she needs to stop with out hurting her??How can i tell my friend someone dont like her?

someone that u really like doesnt like you but u have to promise not to get mad. then say the guys name and explain to her that he is a lil anoyed of her...

if she gets mad find another friend...

she has no reason to get mad...

itz not ur fault!!!!

GOOD LUCK!!!How can i tell my friend someone dont like her?
You shouldn't tell her. This is something she should learn for herself. Continue to be a positive friend but encourage her to actually come forward and tell the guy how she feels as opposed to flirting and borderline stalking tactics. The guy also needs to step up for himself. If he really didn't like all the attention he probably would have told her to stop by now, so this will probably continue until your friend actually approaches this guy point blank.
Yeah I agree you do just need to tell her. If she truly is your best friend she will listen to you and not get too angry. Point out what she's doing and show how obsessive she's being without using those words. Tell her the way to truly get the guys attention is too act confident and normal not needy and obvious. Tell her that you are all just better as friends anyway and it would be awkward for you if they started dating anyways. That way it gives her an out saying that she's going to do it for you not just because the guy doesn't like her.

Also, it might not hurt if you can find someone who does like her so she doesn't feel totally down on herself when you tell her that this guy doesn't.

Hope this helped. :)
I have the same situation. Just talk to her and tell her in a nice way that he's not interested. Or tell her about his flaws. Or have him tell her that he's not interested. Maybe then she'll get the picture. And if those don't work (when I did them they didn't) just tell her that it's really annoying when all she does is talk about him. Threaten her to not hang out anymore and maybe then she'll stop. When I did it she started to forget about him nd now she's in love with Justin Bieber, but she can't have him because I saw him FIRST!!!!
Make that boy have a girlfriend.

Try to make your friend like someone else.

Tell the girl that he does not like girls who do that and tell the boy the positive things about her and then you could try to hook them up.

Or just tell her that he does not like her she has been your friend for 12 years right. So she wont be mad at you.

And if you think she will get mad at you tell the boy to tell her nicely.

Or you could just make the boy act kind of mean to her and show her a boy that is nice,cute and likes her.
It's not your job to tell her. She won't listen to you anyway. It's the guy's job to tell her, and when he has enough of it, he will. If it hurts her feelings, that will be too bad, but sometimes people need to learn how to treat other people, and if they can't see it by circumstances, then they need to be told in words.
you could let her know in a nice way

that he doesn't really feel the same about her.....

But don't let that get to her because their are other guys out there!

I think she should know the Truth before she gets her feelings hurt

then she might be ''like why didn't you tell me this earlier'' that he didnt feel the same and that would hurt her more ...

best of luck!
it is going to be tough and she might think your jealous and like him yourself. Butt you should tell her, say i am telling you coz i care about you and i dont want you to get hurt later on. and maybe if she lays off and acts like she doesnt want him, he might start to like her. Tell her that. She will realise you are trying to help her.
Dear Young friend,

Don't tell her. Let her find out herself. If you tell her, she will think badly of you.

Just be a friend, and let her talk. Listen, that is what a good friend does. And she will discover soon enough that you are a good friend.

It is not your place to tell her. It's his job. You say she is your friend do her a favor and stay out of it or I'll guarantee you she won't be your friend for long.A true friend trys to look out for the others feelings not bust their butt to give her bad news so they can gloat over it.
just tell him straight out that he likes you as a person but not as a friend or girlfriend eventually she will understand don't be mean or anything but you have to tell her or else he wont want to hang around you when she is around so think about how to tell her but you should tell her
You just should tell her that he likes her as a friend only, but I'm warning you she might get mad and say that you are just jealous and trying to get him for yourself, etc, so you might want to let the guy tell her himself.
Just tell her to chill out and the guy don,t like her the way she like him,you can do that because she is your friend.
Um, girl? I need to tell you something. He told me he doesn't like you the same way you like him, so...yeah. If she cries, let her.
Try telling her to not obsess, because he might not like her the same way. And also tell her that he might not want to talk all the time.
Tell her that he once mentioned that he only likes her as a friend and that if she doesn't back off it might damage the friendship.
just tell her. you cant avoid the situation or let her find out on her eventually.. she will have the same reaction better if yu just tell her
You have to tell him that she likes him, so he can tell her that he doesn't like her.
Just tell her. Honestly, my best friend is with me now and we discussed this question. We agree we'd prefer to be told if we were in your situation.
u cant protect her from everything. shes got life lessons to learn. just hint it at her, be like 'hes bad news' n if she doesnt listen thats her choice, it wont be ur fault
well tell her the truth and say it gently and nicely and shell understand trust me thats exactly what happened to my friend
You shouldnt have to tell her...the boy she likes needs to tell her
';Someone dislikes you';.
It's not your freaking business who she likes.
if you wanna be honest with your friend then you gotta tell her the truth...

remember the truth hurts.
Just tell her the truth that your friend doesnt like her u can't go wrong with just telling someone the truth
just tell her.. im sorry but he doesnt like you as a gf, just like a friend
tell her shes a dum ***** and give her a quarter to buy sumthin from da lil toy machine at sedanos
these types of questions have beeen repeated thousand of times

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