Friday, August 20, 2010

Would you be able to stay friends with someone who's in love with you?

And if you are in relationship with someone, especially, could you bare being JUST STRICTLY friends with someone else who you know is in love with you and has been for years? And how would it come between your relationship if you can be their friends?

And if you are in love with someone who's in a relationship - why? Do you hope that someday they'll end they're relationship and be with you?

Looking for some feedback on this topic. Thanks!Would you be able to stay friends with someone who's in love with you?
Well, I sort of do have a friend who is in love with me. It made me really uncomfortable to be around him after that, so I started to avoid him.

Not the most courageous thing, but I am not the most courageous person on earth.Would you be able to stay friends with someone who's in love with you?
Sure (plain and simple) sure

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