Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do I make friends with someone without embarrasing myself?

I have 2 young kids and work from home, I am quite isolated and my old friendships have fizzled out. I have been quite lonely and have no friends (I am not a freak, I am just independent and perhaps a bit uptight!) My neighbour has been friendly to me and has invited me + the kids around for a couple of hours, we chat well, but what do I do to get our friendship established without being pushy. I don't know how to do it anymore...I can't remember!!!!How do I make friends with someone without embarrasing myself?
Making friends is not always embarrassing on your part.Don't think like that... be optimistic and just be yourself. Your friends will like and love you more when you show them the real you, no pretensions...How do I make friends with someone without embarrasing myself?
first of all and calm dowm and take a breath for a minute and relax and the solution always comes to be u self dont worry and relax
be yourself!!! Its always the best solution!
Do something nice for her that she did not expect. Think about the type of things you would appreciate if she did that for you. Those type of things. calm...ask her and her kids for a casual wine...she prob enjoys your company also.U can join loads of clubs/chucrh (evangelical) classes to meet new folk....dont worry .XX
Invite them over to your house for a cook out or a potluck dinner so you can talk even more! They will get use to your company and hanging out on a regular basis and a friendship will just happen so try it and don't be so uptight!
The best advice is just to be yourself, I mean Friends have to like you for who you are right?

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