Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to make friends with someone who is always busy?

I noticed that my neighbor who sits next to me in next cubicle is always talking on phone and busy running around doing things, while my job is more sitting infront of computer doing stuff. i can hear his conversations and sometimes i put on my headphones so i can concentrate...but i want to know maybe some remarks or a method to win his friendship and respect because i'm learning alot from him and the kind of lyngo he uses on phone is fun...i told him i like it and he was kind about it. but he mentioned it is a busy day.How to make friends with someone who is always busy?
Maybe you can start a conversation with him during lunch, or breaks you can also walk with him to his car after work, or you can ask him to hang out with you during the weekend, or invite him over for dinner.BBQ.How to make friends with someone who is always busy?
he is trying to be polite but give you the brush off at the same time, don't annoy this person.
Are you gay?

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